Your Favorite Biostatistician
Hossam M. Ghorab

Analyzing your Data is my Expertise

Your -next- favorite biostatistician says hello! Flavoring R-powered biostatistics with medical background is my secret sauce. With 2+ years of cumulative learning and vigorous independent practice, I rather say that I talk to the data, not just analyze it.

About Me While formally studying Medicine at Alexandria University, my Biostatistics journey diverged from my interest in Clinical research. With 2+ years of expertise in analyzing data from RCTs, case-control, cohort, and cross-sectional studies, I have mastered navigating the way through the data.

Current resposibilities

Hey! Here is Hossam Ghorab. I do biostatistics for Freelance as well as a Researcher. I'm currently involved in several research groups as well as being a statistical advisor in the Quality Assurance Unit at Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.

While most medical research data are analyzed using sub-optimal point-and-click software, I harness the power of R to provide fully justified high-quality statistical analyses reports. No journal will reject your paper for statistical reasons. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Data analysis
R markdown
Parametrized reports

Projects "His conclusions were as infallible as so many propositions of Euclid. So startling would his results appear to the uninitiated that until they learned the processes by which he had arrived at them they might well consider him as a necromancer."

Software Screenshot

(Recent, Masked) Results section Made Aesthetically Appealing

Exemplary showcase of my end-product. State-of-art presentation of reasearch findings can make all the difference.

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Software Screenshot

Investigating How The Research Output of AFM Changed from 2018 to 2021 (Official report)

Comparing the yearly research output from Alexandria faculty of Medicine progressed both qualitatively and quantitatively using the most valid metrics available.

View Report

Contact I provide statistical consultation and do data analysis tasks. You can reach me via a social media platform (links at the end of the page) or using this form. For beginners in the data analysis world, your inquiries are most welcomed.